Purpose of your life

The Purpose of your life. Have you ever imagined the purpose of your life? Or do you know the value of your life? Every creature, from the tiniest Estruscan shrew to the majestic blue whale has a purpose in this temporary world. When all these creatures have a purpose, don’t we the human beings, the Lord of all animals have a purpose in life? We are here, for a sojourn in this transitory world with a purpose. You might have heard about the food chain or the food cycle. Every organism in this world is interrelated. Every thread is intertwined and the carpet is organised. What if a single thread is removed? The whole carpet will be distorted. It is the same case with life. If one creature is pulled out, the whole earth would be distorted. Sometimes you may feel you are useless; you have no value. But pause for a moment. Knowingly or unknowingly you are a source of blessing to atleast one of the creatures of the world. All of us are born in this world just like a plain, w...