The concept of feminism is misunderstood most of the times. Its a simple ideology and its just that we often fail to understand it perfectly. We always complicate simple things in life. So let's see what feminism actually is. 


                       It is nothing but EQUALITY. Every individual in the society must be considered equal which often is not. Feminism strives to empower women and in doing so it also makes them realize their rights. It is mostly misunderstood that women are trying to overpower men. The point is not that. Be it a male or a female, both the genders are no less than the other. 

                       The other day I was scrolling through my social media and something caught my eye. That is when I decided to write this blog. I understood that there were different opinions on this concept. It is alright to have different views unless the whole meaning of the concept doesn't change. 


                           They say that women are allowed to voice out their opinions but when men do the same its always termed as the so called male dominated society. I just don't understand something, generally having an opinion on something is an individual right. Voicing out your opinions and being termed as a male dominated society are totally two different matters. A male dominated society is something in which men hold the primary power and they play the major roles in various fields. This has no connection in voicing out opinions. Our society is still a male dominated one. Why do you consider the society when you have examples at your own house? Almost 75% of the houses have men to be the head of the family. They are considered to be the supreme decision making authorities. Now do you consider feminism unreasonable?

                            Coming to the concept of rape. Men have a feeling that only the females rapes are being exposed more and the male rapes are just left unnoticed. Have you ever googled the female rape rate and male rape rate? You will definitely see an incomparable difference. Every man out there will definitely have a female in his life, be it his mother, wife, daughter, sister or friend. The day they feel completely safe walking alone on an empty road in the middle of the night without any fear, that day is the real day of independence. This is not going to happen any time soon, but we as a society have a responsibility to make this happen. Do men ever have a feeling of fear when you walk out of the house in the middle of the night? Now do you consider feminism unreasonable? 

                             Emotions can never be confined to one gender. I just wanted to make sure this reaches the people who feel emotions particularly shedding tears (crying) is always associated with the feminine gender. Human beings are emotional by nature. Happiness, sadness, laughter or tears, they are a part of our life. I often hear this, when a man cries, there will be someone out there who will say "don't cry like a girl." This is completely absurd. How can someone confine a particular emotion to one gender? Is it because you feel women are weak? Or is it because you feel men are really strong? If so, let me make a point clear, men can never imagine the pain a mother undergoes while giving birth to her child. Still women are considered to be the weaker sex. Now do you consider feminism unreasonable.


                          Being a girl in a society like this is not easy at all. She is being taught how to sit, walk or talk. Whereas the boys are let free. Girls bleed heavily for about a week every month. It's not that simple. She sets all this aside for her family to keep them happy. A mother does the household work be it rain or shine. Now I'm happy that things are changing. Women are achieving many things in various fields. Men have started understanding that cleaning or cooking is not a gender based role. 


                    To all the men out there, go talk to the females who make your life a happy one. Try to understand them. They never try to overpower you and that will never be their intention. All that they ask for is equal rights and respect. In today's world both men and women are working. It's perfectly alright to share your responsibilities. They already undergo a lot in this society, so try to be a little soft with them. You have a lot of dreams and goals, so do they. Give them the chance. I'm sure they will make you proud one day. Be their COMRADE.


                  You are strong. Believe in yourself. Stop being subservient. Stand up for your rights even if you go unnoticed. Fight for yourself because no one else is going to do that for you. most importantly please don't misuse feminism, because if you do so, the entire feminine gender will be affected. Keep that in mind. Empower yourselves and your fellow beings.

Hoping for the beautiful changes that are going to happen in this society. 


S. Jennifer Sandra.


  1. Really a good and thoughtful write up!

  2. Really amazing sara...♥️ great work..hwaiting!!!

  3. Feminism is often overlooked as something bad and at times mistaken for female domination,whereas patriarchy is considered as the standard norm,especially in India.This contains reasonable and valid points which would help to erase the misunderstandings.Good job,Jenny❤💞

  4. Somewhere within, I had the same thoughts,but was too active to write it down.Glad to see it here.Keep the spirit up to give us more such notes.

  5. Views phrased by you are the views of every women. 100% True.


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