SILENCE / NO. 6/ 25th FEBRUARY 2024

 Memories and Silences...

    Hey readers, hope you had an amazing weekend. As I mentioned in the previous blog, I'll be elaborating on one of my own quotes today. Click here just in case you want to check out my quotes page on Instagram. I'll also attach the QR Code below (Thanks in advance). Now, Shall we explore the realm of silences?

 How often do we become silent when things go out of our hands? When someone experiences extreme emotions (both positives and negatives), in Tamil we say that, the person has gone silent without words or breath (பேச்சு மூச்சு இல்லாமல்). 

Here's today's quote that exactly says the same thing:

"Your boundless happiness and your greatest despair lies not in expression but in silence"

    Isn't that true? I've witnessed many people go strangely silent in the midst of their most profound shock, despair, or ecstasy. They become completely silent. Psychologists refer to this kind of response as "Silent Treatment". Unexpected revelations have shocked many people. According to research, people either don't know how to respond to intense emotions or use silence as a passive-aggressive coping mechanism to avoid having a straight conversation (pschcentral). 

    For instance, when a member of the family passes away, some people become incredibly silent. After losing a loved one, they don't even cry. This occurs as a result of their brains ceasing to respond to the overwhelming hopelessness they feel. This is one way of looking at it. There's also another aspect to it. 

    Sometimes, we don't express or talk about our most priced memories or the saddest moments. We become indifferent and bury them beneath the layers of our skin. This also applies to our embarrassments or personal hurt. We chose to remain silent instead of expressing because we value the relationship we share with them. However, those things remain in our hearts forever.  

    Whether they are joyful, unanticipated, or miserable, those memories live inside our silences and are never spoken. They are kept in our subconscious and occasionally come to the surface when certain triggers are met. It's exactly what David Jones said in his collection of poetry Love As The Stars Went Out

"You still live in the silences between my thoughts!"

S. Jennifer Sandra

P.S: Instagram quotes account QR Code :


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