Not All Flowers Bloom In The Daylight!
Hey readers, I've run out of things to say today. I've been trying so hard to think of an amazing concept for my blog, but I just couldn't come up with anything. Unexpectedly, one of my friends reminded me about my quotes account on Instagram (@the_sparkling_firefly). Click here in case you want to have a look (I've also attached the QR Code below). Although I'm not active there right now, I promise to start soon! (Stay tuned).
I've been blogging about other people's quotes for a while now, so I thought I'd share some of my own. So, for the next few days you'll read about my take on my own quotes. Its always fun to look at something through the lens of the creator!
Who doesn't love flowers? We all do. We adore them in all of their forms and stages despite their diverse colors, textures, and shapes. While some flowers are large, some are tiny, but they all blossom as gracefully as they can.
Each flower is special and has intrinsic value. Roses are utilized for décor, garlands, bouquets, and other arrangements; women wear jasmine flowers with adoration, while chrysanthemums are used for pooja. Apart from these well known flowers, there are thousands out there with a unique purpose.
Although the majority of these flowers bloom in the day, some also bloom at night. Whether it's Datura, the Moon Flower, or the night-blooming Jasmine. These flowers are just as exquisite as those that bloom in the daylight. It is unreasonable to expect all the flowers to bloom during the daylight (though the socially set standard demands it).
All of these flowers are created differently. Their rates of growth vary. The biological clock of each flower is unique. It is therefore unjust and irrational to expect them to bloom all at the same time.
When their actual beauty emerges, it does so in their own rhythm. If it is induced chemically or artificially, their true nature and complete formation will never occur. Thus, it's crucial to provide them their own space so they can mature beautifully. Now, the question is: Am I talking only about the flowers? Think!
"Not all flowers bloom in the daylight! Read that again."
S. Jennifer Sandra
P.S: Instagram quotes account QR Code :
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