Monkey Bars

      Hey readers, its been a while and I hope you all are doing good. It's wonderful to be back and to pen down the ideas that I usually keep to myself.

 A few days ago, while I was randomly exploring the internet, I stumbled upon this incredible quote by C.S. Lewis that reads,

        Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.”

   Although the quote is straightforward and easy to understand, what an analogy it is! We often claim that life is not a bed of roses, but how much do we truly understand the effects these difficult situations have on us? Most of the time, we don't. When we experience anything unpleasant, we often find it difficult to let go of it. We keep going back to the same experiences to keep them fresh in our memories, whether they are related to relationships, health issues, failures, or setbacks.

    We don't always know that the act of repeatedly going through the same experience is preventing us from progressing toward a better future. The weight of our own bodies presses us down when we continue to hold onto the same bar for longer than we can. Often, we fall deeper than we had anticipated, which causes us to injure ourselves much more.

    The same holds true for our traumatic experiences. The weight of our own thoughts will drag us down the more we cling to it. We can only truly understand the meaning of life if we make an effort to leave that place and go on to the next bar. It's crucial to go on and let go of the things that are preventing us from doing so.

In reality, the unpleasant experience that we despise enables us to understand the true value of joy and contentment. We won't be able to truly appreciate joy unless we experience suffering. To stay in the same place or to move forward, the choice is left to us.

Let's choose wisely and let's not let our own thoughts weigh us down!  


S. Jennifer Sandra


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