Dear readers, hope you had an amazing day. Today, I'm going to highlight a fascinating phrase that I recently came across.  The Japanese phrase Kishi Kaisei,  means "wake from the dead, return to life". I was intrigued by this phrase and looked up its meaning on Google after seeing it on Instagram.

    The phrase's original meaning refers to a surprising recovery from any bleak and hopeless circumstance. It could be something as simple as India winning the World Cup in a game that everyone predicted we would lose, or it could be something major like conquering a life-threatening illness.

    This got me to thinking for a while: everyone in today's society has become dead on the inside. We are devoid of the bright energy. All of us are running after something that can never satiate us. We are just surviving and not living. To live is to be sensitive to everything that is happening around us. We are just surviving each day and we just want to get through the day somehow.

  Some critics claim that our spiritual death is what led to man's current mentality. The farther our society has drifted from spirituality and "Godlessness," the more emptiness and void we experience internally. It was proclaimed by the renowned philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche that "God is dead". This represents the decline of spirituality and faith in individuals.

    Today's society is ruled by materialism and worldly norms. No matter what we accomplish or pursue in this life, it can never bring us true happiness. Poets such as T.S. Eliot wrote of the "Silent Funeral," in which the inner self is dead and the body is alive. Modern man's very movements resemble a "quiet" funeral cortege. 

    As we get closer to God through our belief system and core values, our lives take on deeper meaning and purpose. According to philosophers and critics, it is essential for us to be connected to our faith in order for us to "wake from the dead and return to life." It is challenging to resurrect what is dead within ourselves. Our approach ought to be to find the core reason and fix it.

"Let's LIVE, not just SURVIVE!"


S. Jennifer Sandra


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