FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN / NO. 26 / 16th MARCH 2024


    Dear readers, one of the suggestions that I received as a response to my Instagram story is: Change or fear of the unknown. It was Cathy's idea. 


    We're all afraid of the unknown. Sometimes we simply dread what will happen when we don't even start. We're all paranoid in one way or another. We seek solace in our comfort zones that we won't leave them.

    Only when we venture outside of our comfort zones can we truly grow. We will never be able to advance in life if we continue to be afraid of change and do not make even small modifications in our daily routines. 

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown”
― H.P. Lovecraft

    People have feared the unknown and change for eternity. This worry has grown multiple times over as times have changed. Following the pandemic, individuals have realized how unpredictable the world is and how quickly things may change.

    It's a lovely process to navigate life as it comes. It's a magical experience all around. If we learn everything before its time, then there's nothing fascinating to learn. While it is undoubtedly challenging to face uncertainty without dread, the process can become beautiful if we can learn to reframe our circumstances and build resilience.

    Navigating our route through life becomes much easier when we hold on to our faith. Only when circumstances are beyond our control do we often cling to our faith. Even on the most boring and ordinary of days, it is more important than ever to have faith.

    We completely overlook the value of the journey because we are all so focused on the end destination. Everything matters—the ups and downs, the joys and happiness, the challenges—because it all comes together to shape who you are as a person.

Its all about the magic that unfolds in its time!


S. Jennifer Sandra


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