To Let Go....

    Dear readers, I shared an Instagram story the other day asking for thoughts on what people would like to read in my next writings. For the next few days, I will be blogging about the topics that each respondent suggested. Once more, Benny's recommendation: the art of letting go.

    We tend to hold onto the things that bring us down most of the time. I've already discussed the monkey bars in my earlier post. It is really hard for us to let go of something that holds great meaning for us. I've observed a lot of people who find it difficult to let go of things in a variety of contexts; these things could be unhealthy habits, addictions, or toxic relationships.

    We struggle to let go of it even though we know it is bad for us just because we are attached to it; more accurately, we are accustomed to it. Even if we don't actually need it, we cling to it. To use a very simple example, I find it difficult to give up some really sentimental clothing. It hurts so much to throw them away. Even if I can't wear some of these clothes again, I still have them.

    I understand that if I hold onto my old clothes, I won't have room for my new ones. I save them because they have so many special memories attached to them. The same is true in terms of life. There won't be enough room for our new blessings if we cling to our old methods.

   Most of the time, we believe that something or someone else is preventing us from moving forward, but we are often unaware of the fact that the issue lies within. We are the ones clinging to it. I complain and rant about the fact that I don't have enough space to fit in my new clothes, when I am the one that is still holding on to the old ones. When we realize that the problem lies within, the transformation will come about on its own.

Its not about the thing that we are holding on to but about the value that we attach to it.

S. Jennifer Sandra


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