POETRY / N0. 18 / 8th MARCH 2024

  Guinness World Records

    Dear readers, for a change I thought of talking to you about one of my personal experiences. In the year 2022 my cousin contacted me and asked me to be a part of an amazing project - The publication of the World's Thickest Book which will be recognized by the Guinness records, she said.  I was excited instantly. Today I'm grateful to her for roping me in. Thank you dear Diana akka.

    For over a period of 12 months, a group of eminent authors worked together to bring out this amazing book. The book is a collection of poems, research papers, articles and many more. I have published 30 poems under the chapter entitled "Sculptured Thoughts". It was an honor to publish my work along with such great people. 


Here is the details of the book: 

It is the World's Thickest Book 2023 recognized by the Guinness World Records. It consists of 100,100 pages, measuring up to 19.34 ft. Now, it has been kept at the Anna Centenary Library, Chennai, for public viewing.

It was an amazing experience to collaborate with ESN Publications and London Organization of Skills Development. I gained a lot of insights through this project. 

The award ceremony took place on the 27th August 2023 at Hotel Turyaa, OMR, Chennai. Dr. Radhakrishnan IAS, was the guest of honor. 

It was a pleasure to have achieved this along with my dearest bestfriend Jelshiya.

I'll attach a couple of my poems from this collection. Hope you have a good time reading them.


 Unsaid stories:

Everyone has a story to tell.

Some are confined in the mind,

Searching for better places to dwell:

Unnoticed and left behind.


At times tears write their story,

On the deserted cheeks.

The unexpressed words and emotions,

Held together for days and weeks.


Stories of love blooming in the spring;

Tales of hate flaming in the summer;

Chronicles of betrayal on the cold nights of winter;

And the narratives of loss grieved in the fall.


Every story has a dawn,

Awaiting the fall of its dusk.

Exploring and discovering new doors;

Finding the right keys in between.


Some are unsaid yet understood.

A few disclosed yet judged.

All of us are nothing but,

The stories we hold back.

    Sauvage et libre:



Journeyed alone into the unknown.

Widening the horizon of my dreams.

Habituating myself to the environment

Trying my best not to be intimidated –

By the noise that surrounds me.

Acclimatizing slowly yet steadily.

Thrilled by the exposure,

Perturbed by the change.

Questioning the choices that I made,

As the passion starts to fade.

Striving to fit me,

Inside a melting pot of cultures.

Seeking to find a spot,

That I could possess.

Not aware of the impediments that await me.

While I let my heart to be

Fearlessly wild and free.



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