FLANEUR / NO.24 / 14th MARCH 2024
Dear readers, as a prelude to Mnemosyne 2024, here is a poem from my poetry collection for you. Tomorrow, after the successful completion of the event, I'll post a detailed blog about that. Until then, I'll remain as a flaneur ( a silent observer).
The hustle and bustle around me,
Everything in cages,
bound and free.
People strolling all over
the place,
Trailing around this huge
maze -
I sit here in a corner,
Termed as a 'quiet
Observation is my
possessed code,
'Coz, I turned on my
incognito mode.
I looked around,
Until I found,
A noteworthy scene,
A million things it could
A moment of glance,
Gave me the chance,
To express my views,
In a canvas of myriad
One among the crowd,
Perhaps, a passing cloud.
My surroundings, I
To ponder and recollect.
- S. Jennifer Sandra
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