MNEMOSYNE '24 / NO. 25 / 15th MARCH 2024

 Lore of the Land

    Dear readers, this year's Mnemosyne (the cultural fest of the Department of English -Aided) was conducted on the 14th and 15th of March. It embraced the theme - Lore of the Land.

    The inaugural event happened at the Anderson Hall. The chief guest Dr. Nirmal Selvamony sir addressed the gathering. He spoke on the topic "Is there such a thing as Folklore? The case of Kalam". The speaker brought out different ideas that connected kalam with literature. 

    The most striking part of the address was the explanation of Robert Frost's poem, "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." He beautifully explained it with a pictographic reference.

    Three people from our department, released their books during the event. Our beloved HoD, Dr. Mekala Rajan, our professor Dr. Phebe Angus and my junior T. Abraham. It was such a pleasure to witness their big day. 

    After the inaugural, a play (Banquo's Last Laugh) was staged by our fellow students under the direction of Vishnu Prasath. It was stupendous.  

    Later, the interdepartmental events took place at Selaiyur hall and the QSC building. The next day, intercollegiate events took place and several participants from other colleges enthusiastically participated.

The overall rolling trophy (intercollegiate) was bagged by the University of Madras, and the interdepartmental was bagged by the Department of English SFS.
This is the short overview of the happenings of both the days.

S. Jennifer Sandra


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