LOVE / NO. 27 / 17th MARCH 2024
Giving and receiving Love:
Dear readers, here's a suggestion from my friend Daniel. He gave me a concept about love, precisely a feeling of fear where we want to give everything to someone but we are so scared that they won't be there with us till the end.
In this world, nothing is permanent. Everything that starts must come to an end, and then it must begin again in another form. It is imperative to realize that nothing—not even people or materialistic possessions—will be with us forever. There is a lot of uncertainty in this world. We have no idea what will occur in the next minute.
Even though we are all aware of this, we never stop loving other people. That's the magic of love. Love gives without expecting anything in return, according to the Bible. Giving without expecting anything in return is the key. True unconditional love is when you love someone even when they don't love you back.
There are exceptions to the generalization that parents love their children unconditionally. However, they never ask for anything in return when they do. They are not giving their child all they have in the hopes that their kid would one day take care of them. They merely act on their love for their child. That is the nature of true love.
Only when we anticipate anything in exchange can the fear of losing someone materialize. It might be as simple as receiving the same love and efforts in return. We believe that we will receive nothing in return if that individual isn't there. That's the entire issue.
That's not the proper way of experiencing love. One shall reap what they sow. Even while it might not take the same form, you will still receive it in the same amount—in fact, more than before. Love is undividable. Everything you put in will return many times over. The more the merrier.
"Love is all about Giving and expecting nothing in return!"
S. Jennifer Sandra
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